Jun 14, 2023Liked by elizabeth nelson

Hi Elizabeth,

I read this today on my screen porch during a thunderstorm. Your words moved me. Thank you. Now I’m savoring the sight of wet black dirt in my little garden, with little green plants sprouting. Flowers, tomatoes, cantaloupe and sweet potatoes. The hope of renewal and new life.

~ John

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Thank you Elizabeth. I have only just found the joy and importance explored by your creativity in the past 20 years. I just was never encouraged.nor was it even discussed when I was growing up. Either at home or at school. Growing up in a strict but lovinv home home creativity was never mentioned . No one ever encouraged it or discussed it at school either. And thinking back, I guess this was the start of a struggle with depression also. Well, it’s an issue that runs in our family. I wonder if exploring one’s creative side would’ve helped over the years. perhaps that’s where my joy of sewing has developed to projects that I do for enjoyment rather than those that I do out of necessity. Wow! Consider by mind blown with your help. Now to find some time to explore this or maybe just to go and see a quilt.

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